Serological Detection of FMD Serotypes by New Prepared Innovative Recombinant Hepta-Epitopic Peptide

Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine(2018)

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Background: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious and economically important disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals worldwide. In recent years, a series of outbreaks of FMD have occurred in many countries. Recombinant protein synthesis incorporating protective B- and T-cell epitopes are candidates for new safer and more effective (FMD) vaccines that have potential to provide protective immunity against diverse FMDV strains and to protect against future epidemics. Objectives: The aim of this study was to produce Recombinant Hepta-epitope peptide for detecting FMD O, A , Asia1 serotypes ,which can be used as a tool for diagnostic kits. Methods: In the present study, we designed and produced a Recombinant Hepta-epitopic peptide from FMDV epitopes of the viral proteins VP1, VP2, VP3, 3C (seven epitopic regions, amino acid residues VP1 140-160, Vp1 200-213, VP2 68-75 ,VP2 179-198 ,VP3129-148 ,VP3 190-199 , 3C121-135). Results: It was shown that the mentioned recombinant peptide could recognize the serum collected from cattle infected with FMD serotype A and O. Conclusion: Therefore we believe that this recombinant Hepta-epitopic peptide can be used for diagnostic serological assays. Furthermore this Recombinant peptide may be a potential candidate as an alternative vaccine against FMDV epidemic variants.
diagnostic serological assays,epitope,fmd,recombinant hepta-epitope peptide,synthetic peptides vaccine
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