Study on Factors Inducing Non-Reporting of Nosocomial Infectionsin the Hospital El IdrissiKenitra

Chaib Y, Sobh M,Aouane M, Elanssari A, Hamama S, Oujar N, Chakhtoura K,Abdelmajid Soulaymani

Research and reviews in biosciences(2014)

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The reporting of nosocomial infections (NI) is an alert and awareness and an indispensable link in the current policy of control of health risks goal. From the perspective of health professionals and health authorities, reporting objectives are to establish an early warning system to quickly detect unusual IN, and to check, if necessary corrective measures have been instead. Certainly Although not reporting INby health personnel is a common phenomenon in all countries, this problem has been the subject of a number of empirical and theoretical studies whose authors have tried to point on the brakes because of this situation. The present study aims to explore the factors influencing the reporting of non-IN by nursing staff at the El IdrissiKenitra Hospital. To conduct this study, a methodology was adopted.The latter is based on questionnaires sent to nurses and doctors working at the hospital in El IdrissiKenitra based on a sample of 165 participants. Thiswork did not fail to highlight a number of factors influencing the non-reporting of HAIs among health care workers at the Hospital El IdrissiKenitra namely: a) personal, b) organizational factors and c) institutional factors. The main results showed the misconceptions about the procedures of reporting IN; 64%of participants see the report as a regulatory requirement, 56%blame the nonclarity in the definition of IN, the reporting culture / silence is highlighted by 68%of participants, the fear of punishment and prosecution 76% low motivation by managers 60%, these results were reinforced by the lack of training or continuous basis on the same subject, 84%of caregivers have never participated in ongoing training on reporting iN, also, 80%blame the non-availability of reporting forms, retro default information expressed by 80% of those questioned., On the protection of signaling, it is, more than ever, compromised and ultimately the fear of external control was mentioned by 76%of professionals. IN reporting plays an important role in the prevention of infectious risks in improving the quality of care, it would be interesting to examine factors related to non-reporting of IN at the CHR Kenitra as a) lack of information about the objectives and interests of the alert; b) fear of the legal impact; c) ignorance of the liability related to reporting, d) lack of training, e) lack of awareness, f) lack of clarity in the definition of IN, and finally g) the workload on formalities of declaration
nosocomial infectionsin,hospital el idrissikenitra,non-reporting
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