Bichromatic pumping in mid-infrared microresonator frequency combs with higher-order dispersion.


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Integrated microresonator-based mid-infrared frequency combs based on HI-V semiconductors exhibit pronounced higher-order group velocity dispersion that can make it difficult to achieve stable output. One way to stabilize multiple solitons and their repetition rate is to pump simultaneously at two nearby comb lines. Two-color (or bichromatic) pumping also promises to boost the relatively low conversion efficiencies of single-soliton combs. We present simulations showing that, for a realistic InGaAs/InP ridge waveguide, the stabilization effect occurs over only a limited range of pump power and detuning parameters. We map out the parameter ranges for various regimes of operation in terms of the pump power and detuning and determine that the regimes converge quickly as the dispersion is truncated to progressively higher orders. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Optical Frequency Combs,Mid-Infrared Generation,Microresonators,Dispersion Control
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