Cascading RF deflectors in compact beam spreader schemes

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2018)

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This paper describes beam distribution schemes based on transverse electric field radio-frequency deflectors (RFD) as fast-switching devices and provides numerical relationships between their respective frequencies and phases. The adoption of compact transverse deflecting cavities represents an ideal solution for the design of high repetition rate (> 1 MHz), compact beam distribution systems. While directly applicable to modern FEL facilities, this approach also provides opportunities for expanding existing beam delivery systems with additional experimental areas simultaneously feeding multiple beamlines. We derive the formalism for cascading RFDs by adopting the proper choice of deflector frequencies which can generate a large variety of beam switch yard topologies. We present for reference a potential application operating at an rf frequency of 325 MHz with the comparison of three possible distinct compact rf deflectors: a superconducting rf-dipole, a normal conducting rf-dipole, and a normal conducting 4-rod design.
Beam injection,Particle accelerator,Superconducting cavity,Beam splitting,Rf deflector
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