The Preliminary Analysis of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA) Related Hemorrhage in Chinese Patients (P04.050)


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) in the patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) . To exlpore the connection between LRP1 and RAGE, the main receptors for Abeta clearance. BACKGROUND: ICH need to receive surgical treatment is the most serious and least treatable form of stroke. We aim to emphasize the CAA-caused ICH in Chinese patients, and to find the correlation between ICH and the expression of LRP1 and RAGE which are indicated to play a vital role in the impaired clearance of Aβ. DESIGN/METHODS: Surgical samples of 46 ICH patients from 2010 to 2011 of Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Brain Hospital were enrolled, which included 27 male patients and 19 female patients. The average age was 56±16 yo. The co-expression of Aβ, RAGE and LRP1 protein in the samples were detected by immunohistochemical fluorescence and semi-quantitative analysed. RESULTS: Among 46 cases, 8 patients (17.39%) are diagnosis as CAA by Pathology. The ratio between male and female patients reaches 27: 19 and the positive CAA is 5: 3. Based on the age of onset, patients can be divided into five parts, 0% CAA (+) from younger than 40 years, 10% of the 40 to 49 group, 9.1% of the 50 to 59 group,23.08% of the 60 to 69 group, the age greater than 70 years old reaching 27.27%.The abnormal proportion of LRP1 protein in patients with ICH achieves the same amount as that of CAA, while there is no unusual expression in non-CAA patients. LRP1 expression is reduced to about 23.03% and RAGE expression is increased to about 32.45%. CONCLUSIONS: CAA is one of the major reasons leading to the disease of ICH. The abnormal expression of CAA-related immune-angiogenic factors RAGE and LRP1 protein prompts CAA to result in the inflammatory damage which plays a vital role in the ICH pathogenesis. Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China grant (30700248; 81271211), and Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Basic Research Plan (BK2009049). We thank Department of Pathology for providing animal experimental facility. Disclosure: Dr. Cheng has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zhang has nothing to disclose. Dr. Xu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Shi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Chen has nothing to disclose.
cerebral amyloid angiopathy,related hemorrhage,chinese patients
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