Genetic Aspect of Complex Regional Pain SyndromeType I (SyndromaAlgodystrophicum) Based on Quantitative Analysis of Digitopalmar Dermatoglyphics in Forty Women

Miljenko Cvjetičanin,Zrinka Jajić, Nijaz Burgić, Timon Cvjetičanin

Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research(2017)

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We have made research by the analysis of                                                                                                                          digitopalmar dermatoglyphics in quantitative traits in forty women with regional complex pain syndrome type I, (CRPS1), as a measure of disease prevention: by the early recognition, making the risk groups and promptly cure of patients.  The study included 25 dermatoglyphic variables: number of epidermal ridges on all ten fingers; their sum for five and ten fingers; four variables on both palm, i.e. between a-b b-c and  c-d triradii, atd angles, then their bilateral sum. The data obtained  were compared with those recorded in a control group of  200 pairs imprints phenotipically healthy female adults  from  the Zagreb area of Anthropological Institute in Zagreb. Statistically significant differences from control values  were found in five variables: an increased  sumof ridges  between triradii b-c and total palmar ridge count on the right palm then, increased sum of ridges between triradii c-d and total palmar  ridge count on left palm and their sum on both palm. Accordinglly, a few major genes, with an impact of many modification genes, are identical in some loci to the  predisposing to algodystrophy syndrome suscepetibility, and might be found responsible to dermatoglyphic pattern development changes. Moreover, these findings suggested, because of craniocaudal development of dermatoglyphics, on some different genetic impact, at least in terms of time, a few weeks earlier then in our previous research in sixty men. It means,  that some external, hormonal and sex factors play a role together by genetic in development this mytserious syndrome too.
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