Smartphones, Grounds, Satellites, UAVs for Earthquake Nowcast

Hong Yu,Harold H. Szu, Hongzhou Huang

2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)(2019)

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Smartphones augmented with smart sensors together with ground geological survey stations, and Satellites (communication Iridium) system can easily generate billion byte vector time series. Despite of lacking of the synchronization, all these data sources is generated from the Earth molten core of the size of the moon. The constantly thermal neutrons decay of iron isotopes generates an enormous nonlinear underground thermal Bernard convection. This gigantic convection force is measured at the Richter scale of 10 to 5th~9th powers. These gravitational and nuclear energy become the necessary and sufficient conditions of the Earthquake Calamities happened pseudo-periodically over decades at any mantle cracks and falls whether in the continental drifts, tectonic plates, or dynamic cooking pot theories. Since digital memory becomes recently dirt cheap, it is possible to design big databases analyses (BDA) based on Matrix Associative Memory from thousands vector times series for all the mobile phone users at local cellular tower. The consistent data will be piece-wisely sent from a tower to another to the USGS data center where fusion is possible with USGS local seismic stations and with NASA satellite gravity data. The novelty detection will Nowcast for the early warning of the imminent Earthquake. At same time, the disaster area without any human or equipment can be surveyed by μ-UAV. It can help us to verify the convergence of Nowcast as well as to increase the reliability to protect the infrastructure and save the life.
Earthquakes,Earth,Time series analysis,Seismic waves,Smart phones,Iron,Convection
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