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Paleoseismic Phenomena in Karst Terrains in Bulgaria and Morocco

Acta Carsologica(2016)

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V zadnjih letih narasca zanimanje za beleženje in raziskovanje ucinkov paleoseizmicnih dogodkov na kraskem povrsju in v podzemlju. Kras je lahko zanesljiva referencna tocka za razumevanje potencialne seizmicnosti na podrocjih, kjer opazovalni instrumenti kažejo nizko oziroma zmerno seizmicnost. V Bolgariji in Maroku zavzema kras velike povrsine. Spremembe na kraskem povrsju in v podzemlju navadno povzrocijo katastrofalni trenutni dogodki ali pa ponavljajoca se premikanja zaradi potresov. Katastrofalni potresni dogodki so spremenili medsebojno povezane kraske ekosisteme in so bili vzrok za pomlajevanje, reaktiviranje ali prekinitev kraskih procesov. Naravni povrsinski ali podzemeljski relief sta bila deloma ali v celoti unicena; nastal je nov tip reliefa; geolosko okolje je bilo spremenjeno; nastale so spremembe v kolicini odtoka in v smeri povrsinskega in podzemeljskega odtekanja kraske vode; nastali so gravitacijski tipi mocvirij; kraske jame, lokalni tektonski jarki, prihajalo je do podorov in zemeljskih plazov in ozemlje je bilo podvrženo grezanju in unicenju; spremenjeno je bilo ekolosko ravnotežje urbaniziranih pokrajin. V pricujocem delu je govora o razlicnih paleoseizmicnih pojavih na krasu v Bolgariji in v Maroku. Na podlagi preucevanja tektonskih premikov so dana priporocila za varstvo teh ozemelj. During the recent years there has been a growing interest in recording and investigating the effects of paleoseismic events in surface and underground karst in almost all countries. Karst represents a reliable reference marker for understanding the potential seismicity in regions with instrumentally established low to moderate seismicity. The karst terrains in Bulgaria and Morocco occupy considerable areas. The disturbances in surface and underground karst had usually been provoked by catastrophic one-act events or by repeatedly activated movements by earthquakes. The catastrophic seismic events had disturbed the naturally interrelated karst ecosystems and were the reason for rejuvenation, reactivation or attenuation of karst processes. The natural surface and underground relief had been partially or entirely destroyed; a new type of relief had been formed; the geological environment had been disturbed; changes occurred in the flowrate and direction of surface and underground karst water; wetlands of the gravitation type had been formed; natural caves, local grabens, rock-falls and landslides collapsed partially or entirely and terrains were subjected to subsidence and destruction; the ecological balance in urbanized territories had been disturbed. The present work considers the different types of paleoseismic phenomena in the karst terrains in Bulgaria and Morocco. Recommendations are given for the protection of these areas.
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karst terrains,paleoseismic phenomena,morocco,bulgaria
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