Local Response To Light Excitation In The Charge-Ordered Phase Of (Edo-Ttf)(2)Sbf6


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The family of materials (EDO-TTF)(2)XF6 represents quasi-one-dimensional quarter filled systems exhibiting insulator-to-metal (I-M)phase transition at thermal equilibrium. (EDO-TTF)(2)PF6 is known to undergo a photoinduced I-M conversion with cooperative response to light excitation. Here we use femtosecond pump-probe experiments to study the photoresponse of (EDO-TTF)(2)SbF6 made of a larger counteranion SbF6 compared to the well studied (EDO-TTF)(2)PF6. In the early stage of the photoinduced process, we reveal a multicomponent coherent oscillating feature. The evolution of this feature with excitation density and temperature points to the local nature of the photoswitching in (EDO-TTF)(2)SbF6. At longer time scale, we did not detect the features associated with the transformation to the M phase, albeit observed in the PF6 derivative. We propose a scenario whereby the bigger size of the counteranion in (EDO-TTF)(2)SbF6 hinders the establishment of this transformation at macroscopic scale.
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Key words
light excitation,local response,phase,charge-ordered
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