Real-Time Reconstruction Solution For Positron Emission Mammography Imaging-Guided Intervention

2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)(2015)

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Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) imaging systems with the ability in detection of millimeter-sized tumors were developed in recent years. And some of them have been well used in clinical applications. In consideration of biopsy application, a double-plane PET is more practical than a ring detector for the convenience of breast immobilization.In this study, the possibility of the imaging-guided intervention under a double-plane PET was studied. The distance between the planes is changeable with different breast size. And the system matrix is computed in real-time for every plane spacing. The biopsy motivation under the double-plane PET requires a high sensitivity, great resolution performance and a quickly reconstruction speed. The sensitivity result shows the central value is 13.28% with the 6cm spacing and 200-750keV energy window. The resolution modeling method shows the resolution recovery achieved in the cross-plane. The 3D-OSEM algorithm is applied. The reconstruction is supported with GPU (GeForce GTX 660). For the GPU acceleration, both projection and back-projection procedures use the tube model. Each tube is distributed with a thread and calculated in parallel in the GPU. A double plane PET is simulated above Geant4 Application for Emission Tomography (GATE) software based on MC methods. With all the span tubes calculated, the GPU takes 19 seconds to reconstruct the image while the CPU takes 1037 seconds. The image quality was tested with different acquisition times. The series of biopsy images are showed. The point and rod source both could be imaged in the simulated biopsy process.
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Key words
real-time reconstruction solution,positron emission mammography,imaging-guided intervention,PEM,millimeter-sized tumors,biopsy application,double-plane PET,ring detector,breast immobilization,system matrix,biopsy motivation,resolution modeling method,3D-OSEM algorithm,GPU acceleration,backprojection,tube model,Geant4 Application for Emission Tomography,GATE software,MC methods,electron volt energy 200 keV to 750 keV
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