The New Era of Organ Transplantation in China

The Transplant Experts of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, The Officers of National Health and Family Planning Commission,Jie-Fu Huang,Hai-Bo Wang, Shu-Sen Zheng,Yong-Feng Liu, Bing-Yi Shi,Zhong-Yang Shen, Sheng-Shou Hu, Qi-Fa Ye,Wu-Jun Xue,Xiao-Shun He,Jing-Yu Chen,Feng Huo,Bing Du, Jing Fan,Yan-Hong Guo,Zong-Jiu Zhang

Chinese Medical Journal(2016)

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On June 13, 2016, the US congress passed the bill H. Res. 343 based on the false statements regarding organ transplantation in China, which indicated serious miscommunication and misjudgment between China and the US on the issue. The bill is preceded and followed by a series distorted media reports by the Cable News Network and the New York Times.[1,2] It is a typical act of demonizing China with colored glasses that boldly ignored the facts and fabricated the evidence for political purposes.In January 2015, we published a response article to the open letter from eight prominent overseas professors[3] regarding the organ transplantation in China which clearly described the arduous 10 years’ journey of the reform for organ transplantation and demonstrated the determination to change organ transplantation in China.[4] Since the promulgation of “The Regulation on Human Organ Transplantation” by the State Council in 2007, remarkable progresses have been achieved by the joint efforts of the government and professional communities. We hereby laid out facts pertaining to the recent developments, as well as future roadmap of organ donation and transplantation in China to return the discussion to the right track based on facts rather than wild political speculations.
China,New System,Organ Donation,Reform,Transplantation
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