Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) Biometrics And Condition (Vol 10, E0141478, 2015)

PLOS ONE(2016)

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Table 2 was published with an incorrect number of specimens (n) and coefficient of determination (r2) for the weight conversion factors RWT-GGWT and GGWT-RWT for the East and Mediterranean stock unit. As the correct r2 is lower than the high coefficient of determination chosen as threshold for using the biometric relationship (r-square ≥ 0.98), we prefer to delete both relationships (GGWT = alpha + beta*RWT; and RWT = alpha + beta*GGWT) in Table 2. The only change implies deleting rows 11 and 12 from Table 2.Table 2Atlantic bluefin tuna biometric relationships for the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock.The corrected Table 2 is the following:The last two sentences of the second paragraph of the Discussion section are incorrect. They should read:We could not provide an updated gutted and gilled-round weight relationship (r-square u003c0.98), therefore, current ICCAT factors of 1.16 for the Atlantic [36] and the factor 1.13 for the Mediterranean [37] are the only available conversion factors, although both are cited without any accompanying information on the sampling.
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