Strain and optical characteristics study of ferromagnetic GaMnAs fabricated by ion beam induced epitaxial crystallization

Nai-Hui Chen,C.H. Chen,C.P. Lee

Surface and Coatings Technology(2016)

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In this study, we use a semi-insulating GaAs wafer to prepare a GaMnAs thin film by Mn ion implantation and subsequent helium ion beam induced epitaxial crystallization. In addition, we use different helium energies to anneal the GaMnAs thin films. The regrown GaMnAs thin films are measured using high-resolution X-Ray diffraction, Raman scattering and spectrophotometry to analyze the crystal structures and optical properties. It is found that the GaMnAs thin films remain fully strained. All experimental results indicate that the GaMnAs thin film is formed after the ion beam induced epitaxial crystallization annealing.
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Diluted magnetic semiconductors,GaMnAs,Ion implantation,Ion beam induced epitaxial crystallization
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