Activated Effect of Dendrtic Cell Electransfected by Total RNA of Human Hepatic Cancer Cell to T-cells

Journal of Hebei North University(Medical Edition)(2008)

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Objective:To investigate the activation effect in human peripheral blood Dendritic Cell(DC)electransfecting total RNA of hepatocarcinoma cells extracted by Trizol in vitro.Methods:Monocytes obtained from human peripheral blood by density guadient centrifugation were induced into DC in the presence of cytokines in vitro.The total RNA of hepatocarcinoma cells was extracted by Trizol and was eletransfected into monocyte-derived DC.Effective T cells were got by mixed lymphology reaction,in which DC activated T cells gradually,then the proliferation rate of effective T cells could be examined by the MTT method.Results:Electransfection could successfully make RNA into DC.There was no significant difference in DC molecule expression after the electransfection.DC with total RNA of hepatocarcinoma cells could activate specifically T cells and Proliferation rate was significant high.Conclusion:Electransfection provides a technical possibility to make hepatocarcinoma total RNA into DC.DC with total RNA of hepatocarcinoma cells can activate specifically T cells.
Liver Neoplasms,Dendritic Cells,RNA,Transfection
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