Exploring Visualization Metaphors in Macroscopic Traffic Simulation

Inês Caldas,João Moreira, José Rebelo,Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti

2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)(2018)

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With all the advances witnessed in technology, data visualization was bound to suffer a revolution. However, visualization tools still have a very complex interface, especially in simulation models such as macroscopic traffic simulators. In this paper, our aim is to provide a clean, easy-to-read and adaptable visualization tool, within a novel macroscopic traffic simulator. The choice of visualization metaphors came from extensive research in the broader field of fluid mechanics. From its analysis, we were able to determine the metaphors that better capture the different aspects accurately and choose those which could be more adaptive according to the interests of the users and the respective simulation analysis purpose. As part of a project dedicated to devise a novel macroscopic traffic simulator following the concept of simulation-as-a-service, we need an appropriate, intuitive and user-friendly interface so simulation data can be easily interpreted on web browsers. As a result, the user has total control over the visualization of the data, and can chose the combination that best suits the required needs. Between the colour of lines, their thickness or the “heat” of the traffic, added to the choice of the layer map, we provide a very adaptive and effective tool to represent and study traffic.
Data visualization,Biological system modeling,Visualization,Tools,Adaptation models,Analytical models,Roads
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