Relationship Between the Quantity of Oral Candida and Systemic Condition/Diseases of the Host: Oral Candida Increases with Advancing Age and Anemia


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Background The impact of host systemic conditions/diseases on the prosperity of oral Candida colonies remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a relationship exists between the quantity of oral Candida and the systemic condition/diseases of the host. Patients and Methods The cross-sectional relationship between Candida mannan concentrations and health check-up results was analyzed in consideration of local conditions that influence the prevalence of oral Candida . Results Candida mannan concentrations correlated with age, the number of untreated decayed teeth, number of prosthetic teeth, salivary pH, HbA1c, and the red blood cell count in a univariate analysis. In a multivariate analysis, Candida mannan concentrations correlated with age, the number of untreated decayed teeth, number of prosthetic teeth, salivary pH, and the red blood cell count. Candida mannan concentrations were higher in subjects older than 80 years, with a higher number of either untreated or prosthetic teeth, with a lower salivary pH, and with a decreased red blood cell count. Mannan concentrations were slightly higher in subjects with elevated HbA1c. Conclusions The present results suggest a close relationship between the quantity of oral Candida and the systemic condition/diseases of the host. Oral Candida may increase in immunocompromised hosts.
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Key words
Oral Candida , Systemic condition, Systematic disease, Age, Anemia
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