A simple and reliable step-test for indirect evaluation of aerobic capacity.

S Mazić,M Zivotić-Vanović, I Igracki,S Zivanić, S Velkovski

Medicinski pregled(2001)

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Substantial data confirm the benefits of physical activity, but it is necessary to prescribe exercise correctly in regard to aerobic capacity of each patient. When undertaking investigation of a great number of people, it is necessary to apply a simple, fast, reliable and inexpensive test. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of a new step-test in physically active subjects. Thirty-eight male athletes (mean age 16.6 +/- 0.3 years) and 38 nonathletes of the same age, underwent Astrand cycle-ergometer test and a new ergometric step-test. In the ergometric step-test a fixed workload (W) of 12 kJ was used, whereas the bench height (h in cm) was determined according to body mass of each subject (h = W/2.g.n) (W = workload in kJ; BM = body mass in kg; n = step rate, 25 steps + min-1). The step-test lasted 6 minutes. Values of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) were determined using a nomogram, according to workload and heart rate (HR). Comparing data concerning VO2 max in Astrand and step-test, no significant differences were observed in either group: athletes (3505.6 +/- 784.7 vs. 3294.9 +/- 653.4 mL.min-1 for the step-test; p > 0.05) and in nonathletes (2563.3 +/- 469.3 vs. 2471.8 +/- 353.6 mL + min-1; p > 0.05). In our opinion our new, modified ergometric step-test is a test with high degree of validity and can be used as an easy and fast procedure instead of Astrand test which is most frequently used for indirect evaluation of aerobic capacity.
aerobic capacity,indirect evaluation,step-test
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