Nvis Compatibility With Cockpit Lighting Of Low Light Level Image Intensifier Assembly

Bai Xiaofeng,Hou Zhipeng,Bai Xiaofeng,Hou Zhipeng, Wang Rui, Liu Shengli,Yang Shuning, Zhang Peng

2015 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics (ICOM)(2015)

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According to the spectral response of image intensifier tubes, NVIS compatible characteristic and spectrum matching performance of super 2nd generation and 3rd generation low light level image intensifier assembly has been analyzed based on the studying on NVIS compatible lighting technique. Operational performance of super 2nd generation and 3rd generation low light level image intensifier assembly equipped in night vision system have been computed in analog by calculating on the visual range formula of night vision. It is shown that 3rd generation low light level image intensifier assembly has better NVIS compatible characteristic than super 2nd generation by means of better spectrum matching performance and higher quantum efficiency, which is benefit to reconstruct the NVIS compatible cockpit lighting. Meanwhile, because of higher signal to noise ratio, night vision system equipped the 3rd generation low light level image intensifier assembly can discover farther object than 2nd generation.
NVIS compatibility,image intensifier assembly,quantum efficiency,spectral response,cockpit lighting
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