Semiclassical Solutions Of Generalized Wheeler-Dewitt Cosmology


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We consider an extension of Wheeler-DeWitt minisuperpace cosmology with additional interaction terms that preserve the linear structure of the theory. General perturbative methods are developed and applied to known semiclassical solutions for a closed Universe filled with a massless scalar. The exact Feynman propagator of the free theory is derived by means of a conformal transformation in minisuper-space. As an example, a stochastic interaction term is considered, and first order perturbative corrections are computed. It is argued that such an interaction can be used to describe the interaction of the cosmological background with the microscopic d.o.f. of the gravitational field. A Helmoltz-like equation is considered for the case of interactions that do not depend on the internal time, and the corresponding Green's kernel is obtained exactly. The possibility of linking this approach to fundamental theories of quantum gravity is investigated.
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semiclassical solutions,cosmology,wheeler-dewitt
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