An Approach for Validating Actinide and Fission Product Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses: Criticality (k eff ) Predictions


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One of the most significant remaining challenges associated with expanded implementation of burnup credit in the United States is the validation of depletion and criticality calculations used in the safety evaluation in particular, the availability and use of applicable measured data to support validation, especially for fission products (FP s). Applicants and regulatory reviewers have been constrained by both a scarcity of data and a lack of clear technical basis or approach for use of the data. This paper describes a validation approach for commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF) criticality safety (k(eff)) evaluations based on best-available data and methods and applies the approach for representative SNF storage and transport configurations/ conditions to demonstrate its usage and applicability, as well as to provide reference bias results. The criticality validation approach utilizes not only available laboratory critical experiment (LCE) data from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments and the French Haut Taux de Combustion program to support validation of the principal actinides but also calculated sensitivities, nuclear data uncertainties, and limited available FP LCE data to predict w and verify individual biases for relevant minor actinides and FP s. The results demonstrate that (a) sufficient critical experiment data exist to adequately validate k(eff) calculations via conventional validation approaches for the primary actinides, (b) sensitivity-based critical experiment selection is more appropriate for generating accurate application model bias and uncertainty, and (c) calculated sensitivities and nuclear data uncertainties can be used for generating conservative estimates of bias for minor actinides and FP s. Results based on the SCALE 6.1 and the ENDFIB-VII.0 cross-section libraries indicate that a conservative estimate of the bias for the minor actinides and FP s is 1.5% of their worth within the application model. This paper provides a detailed description of the approach and its technical bases, describes the application of the approach for representative pressurized water reactor and boiling water reactor safety analysis models, and provides reference bias results based on the prerelease SCALE 6.1 code package and ENDF IBVII nuclear cross-section data.
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