Optomechanical Resonating Probe for Very High Speed Sensing of Atomic Forces

arXiv: Instrumentation and Detectors(2018)

Cited 23|Views54
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Atomic force spectroscopy and microscopy (AFM) are invaluable tools to characterize nanostructures and biological systems. Most experiments, including state-of-the-art images of molecular bonds, are achieved by driving probes at their mechanical resonance. This resonance reaches the MHz for the fastest AFM micro-cantilevers, with typical motion amplitude of a few nanometres. Next-generation investigations of molecular scale dynamics, including faster force imaging and higher-resolution spectroscopy of dissipative interactions, require more bandwidth and vibration amplitudes below interatomic distance, for non-perturbative short-range tip-matter interactions. Probe frequency is a key parameter to improve bandwidth while reducing Brownian motion, allowing large signal-to-noise for exquisite resolution. Optomechanical resonators reach motion detection at 10^(-18) m.(Hz)^(-1/2), while coupling light to bulk vibration modes whose frequencies largely surpass those of cantilevers. Here we introduce an optically operated resonating optomechanical atomic force probe of frequency 2 decades above the fastest functional AFM cantilevers while Brownian motion is 4 orders below. Based on a Silicon-On-Insulator technology, the probe demonstrates high-speed sensing of contact and non-contact interactions with sub-picometre driven motion, breaking open current locks for faster and finer atomic force spectroscopy.
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