Geometrically manipulating photonic Schr\"{o}dinger cat states and realizing cavity phase gates

arXiv: Quantum Physics(2018)

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Schrodinger cat states are crucial for exploration of fundamental issues of quantum mechanics and have important applications in quantum information processing. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a method for manipulating cat states in a cavity with the Aharonov-Anandan phase acquired by a superconducting qubit, which is dispersively coupled to the cavity. Based on this dispersive coupling, the qubit can be forced to trace out a circuit in the projective Hilbert space conditional on one coherent state. By preparing the cavity in a superposition of two coherent states, the geometric phase associated with this transport is encoded to the relative probability amplitude of these two coherent states. We demonstrate the photon-number parity of a cat state in a cavity can be controlled by adjusting this geometric phase, which offers the possibility for protecting its quantum coherence from single-photon loss. Based on this geometric effect, we realize phase gates for one and two photonic qubits whose logical basis states are encoded in two quasi-orthogonal coherent states. We further demonstrate two-cavity gates with symmetric and asymmetric Fock state encoding schemes. Our method can be directly extended to implementation of controlled-phase gates between error-correctable logical qubits.
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