Are delusions beliefs? A qualitative examination of the doxastic features of delusions

Huw Green,Lori Hauser, Vitaliy Troyakov


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There is extensive debate about whether delusions are best considered beliefs. This debate is seldom addressed by clinicians though it bears on how delusions are conceived, managed and treated. Little empirical work exists to address this issue. This study explored whether individuals with first hand experiences of delusions spoke about those ideas in ways that were consistent with their being beliefs. Seventeen individuals identified as experiencing, or having experienced, delusions were recruited for a semi-structured interview. Responses to the interview were read and coded by two raters in terms of criteria relevant to whether a mental state is a belief. The majority of delusions examined here were spoken about as though they were beliefs. Most participants believed other things that were consistent with the delusions, attempted to defend their delusions with evidence, had frequently acted on their delusions and provided reasons for holding them. However, there was some variation in the extent to which this was the case. This study provides tentative support for the claim that some delusions are beliefs.
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Key words
Philosophical issues,schizophrenia,delusions,Paranoia
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