Half-Lives of Neutron Rich ^130Cd and ^131In

arXiv: Nuclear Experiment(2018)

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The half-lives of isotopes around the N=82 shell closure are an important ingredient in astrophysical simulations and strongly influence the magnitude of the second r-process abundance peak in the A∼130 region. The most neutron-rich N=82 nuclei are not accessible to the current generation of radioactive beam facilities and r-process simulations must therefore rely on calculations of the half-lives of the isotopes involved. Half-life measurements of the experimentally accessible nuclei in this region are important in order to benchmark these calculations. The half-life of ^130Cd is particularly important as it is used to tune the Gamow-Teller quenching in shell-model calculations for the β decay of other nuclei in this region. In this work, the GRIFFIN γ-ray spectrometer at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility was used to measure the half-life of ^130_ 48Cd_82 to be T_1/2= 126(4) ms. In addition, the half-lives of the three β decaying states of ^131_ 49In_82 were measured to be T_1/2(1/2^-)=328(15) ms, T_1/2(9/2^+)=265(8) ms, and T_1/2(21/2^+)=323(50) ms, respectively, providing an important benchmark for half-life calculations in this region.
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