P19.08: Sonographically estimated fetal weight discordance and perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies: Poster discussion hub abstracts

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology(2018)

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Purpose of the study was to analyse the outcomes of the twin pregnancies with sonographically diagnosed fetal weight discordance in perinatal period. All twin pregnancies delivered in Cheil General Hospital between 2014 and 2015 were retrospectively analysed. The study included 542 dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies with known perinatal outcomes. Fetal discordance was calculated according to the ultrasound results between 28 and 33 weeks of gestation. The weight discordance between the twins was defined as weight difference greater than 25 %. Following three groups were analysed: the group with discordance less than 25% (Control), the group with weight discordance greater than 25% but below 30% (Group A) and the group with weight discordance greater than 30% (Group B). Among 542 twin pregnancies, 28 cases showed weight discordance more than 25%. Thirteen (2.4%) cases were included in Group A and the Group B included 15 (2.8%) pregnancies. Maternal age at birth, delivery weeks and incidence of preterm labour showed no significant differences among three groups. However, the perinatal outcomes were significantly different among the groups and intrauterine fetal death occurred more frequently in Group B than other two groups. Neonatal outcomes were also significantly different among groups. Mean Apgar scores both in first minute and 5 minutes after birth were significantly low in Group B and incidence of Apgar score lower than 7 points at 5 minutes after birth were especially higher in Group B. Moreover, admission rate to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the length of hospital stay significantly increased in Group B. Sonographically estimated discordancy in twin pregnancy can indicate poor perinatal outcomes. When the discordance is greater than 25 %, meticulous fetal surveillance is recommended. Furthermore, when the weight discordance is higher, detailed counseling explaining the possible poor perinatal outcomes might be necessary for the parents. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
fetal weight discordance,perinatal outcomes,twin
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