Micro-structural phenomena in agate/chalcedony: spiral growth

Jens Götze,Harry Berek, Klaus Schäfer


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Agates with spectacular micro-structural features were found in volcanic rocks at several occurrences in the Saar-Nahe region (Germany). These agates include spirals of several tens up to several hundreds of mu m in size within zones lacking the characteristic structural agate banding. A combined mineralogical study by polarising microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction provided evidence that the spirals consist of well-ordered trigonal alpha-quartz, whereas the surrounding matrix is composed of strongly disordered or amorphous SiO2 phases. The quartz micro-crystals show a systematic rotation of the crystal orientation perpendicular to the direction of the spiral loops indicating helical growth. It is assumed that the spiral growth is initiated by dislocations with a screw component. The lacking symmetry of the strongly disordered or amorphous matrix initiated a curved development by a screw dislocation in a system far from equilibrium. The atoms/ molecules are packed into spiral layers, which is energetically favoured in comparison with the incorporation into plane crystal faces. Such self-organisation growth and polymerisation initiated by a screw dislocation can produce variable spiral morphologies sometimes resembling living forms.
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Key words
agate,silica,spiral growth,polarising microscopy,cathodoluminescence,electron backscatter diffraction
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