A National Priority: Improving Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People With Cancer Through an Optimal Care Pathway

J. Chynoweth,B. Daveson, M. McCambridge, J. Coutts,H. Zorbas, K. Whitfield

Journal of Global Oncology(2018)

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Background and context: Cancer survival rates in Australia are among the best in the world, yet Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (indigenous) people continue to experience disparities in the distribution and burden of cancer, and unwarranted variations in outcomes. Indigenous Australians are 40% more likely to die of cancer than non-Indigenous Australians. Cancer Australia developed the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework (the framework), which identified 7 national priorities to address disparities in cancer outcomes experienced by indigenous Australians. An ongoing collaboration with indigenous Australians was integral to developing this shared agenda. Priority 5 in the framework highlights the need to ensure indigenous Australians affected by cancer receive optimal and culturally appropriate treatment, services, and supportive and palliative care. Aim: To improve cancer outcomes for indigenous Australians through the development and national endorsement of a population-specific Optimal Care Pathway (OCP) to guide the delivery of consistent, safe, high-quality, culturally appropriate and evidence-based care. Strategy/Tactics: Cancer Australia formed a partnership with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to address Priority 5 and develop the OCP. The approach to development was underpinned by Cancer Australia's Model of Engagement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and guided by the national Leadership Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Control (Leadership Group). Program/Policy process: Cancer Australia, in collaboration with DHHS: • reviewed experiences of care and the framework's comprehensive evidence base • developed a draft OCP to complement tumor-specific pathways • facilitated an Expert Working Group, comprising indigenous health sector leaders and consumers to refine and validate the draft OCP • undertook national public consultation, including with the indigenous health sector and community, health professionals and professional colleges • received an indication of support to proceed to endorsement from the Leadership Group. Outcomes: The first population-specific OCP for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer received national endorsement. It will guide the delivery of consistent, safe, high-quality, culturally appropriate and evidence-based care. What was learned: Key elements of optimal care include: addressing the cultural appropriateness of the healthcare environment; improving cross-cultural communication; relationship building with local community; optimizing health literacy; recognition of men's and women's business; and the need to use culturally appropriate resources. The national priority in the framework informed and unified high-level direction, which was integral to effective OCP development and endorsement. The evidence-based, step-wise development approach contributed to its relevance, utility and quality.
aboriginal,torres strait islander people,cancer,outcomes,national priority
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