Access to Computational Chemistry for Community Colleges via WebMO


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The use of computational molecular modeling to enhance the teaching of chemical concepts is becoming commonplace. Incorporation of this technique into the curriculum, however, typically requires financial investment. This reality poses a problem for institutions where funding and associated resources are scarce and has a potential negative impact on student learning. To address this situation, a free, universally accessible web resource designed to make computational chemistry available to community colleges and similar institutions that lack sufficient resources or expertise to design their own computational modules is presented. The website enables students to view, manipulate, and analyze Gaussian 09 outputs of organic molecules in the front-end user interface WebMO. The associated exercises guide students through key concepts in understanding the structure, bonding, and reactivity of organic molecules. The website and exercises have been used at two different two-year institutions as part of their second-semester organic chemistry courses.
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Second-Year Undergraduate,Organic Chemistry,Computer-Based Learning Computational Chemistry,Molecular Modeling Misconceptions/Discrepant Events
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