The Design, Development and Implementation of a Platform to Host Micro Applications

Procedia Computer Science(2018)

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The main purpose of creating this platform is to design a solution for helping engineers to be exposed to the ever-rising job market, while providing a streamlined solution to help companies administer programming challenges in a form of a Hackathon. The platform includes a social media web application along with, a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that supports the hosting and publication of various kinds of web applications with different technology stacks. The solution tries to address the problem of overreliance of companies in competitive programming contests as the barometer of whether a candidate is qualified for a job. The research is focused on the design and development of a complete system, which can be hosted on the PaaS. The proposed solution utilizes Ruby on Rails and React for the client application, along with the deployment of a cluster of CoreOS computers used to deploy user-generated application in a performant and scalable manner. The application interactions are reduced to API call, as an adherence to micro services-based architecture to improve horizontal scalability. The application has succeeded in fulfilling all the presented requirements, with a performance that is comparably better than conventional architectural designs.
PaaS,Social Media,Hackathon,Job Search,Cluster Computing
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