Assessment of Online Fish Marketing in Ernakulam District, Kerala

Shyam S. Salim,Harsha Elizabeth James, N R Athira, R. X. Smitha, A. M. Shinu,Mohammed Meharoof

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology(2018)

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The growth of fish production and development of fishery sector is highly dependent on an efficient fish marketing system. Fish marketing strategies developed and evolved along with the changing time and has now reached the digital era where the possibilities of incorporating technology in the marketing system is being explored. Online fish marketing is the new innovative approach in the field, trying to cater to the ever-increasing demand of high quality fresh and affordable fish among the consumers delivered within the shortest time period. On one hand, it helps the producers get a deserving legitimate share in the consumer's rupee and on the other hand, it safeguards consumer's rights against excessive prices. This study is an attempt to assess the online fish trade existing in Ernakulam district of Kerala. Seventeen firms/outlets were selected to analyse various aspects related to the online firms including species traded, mode of sales, customer profile, storage facilities, constraints faced etc.
online fish marketing,kerala,ernakulam district
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