Technical Methodology for the Integral Homologation of the Public Transport of Interprovincial Buses

José Luis Gavidia García, Eddy Stalin Alvarado Pacheco,Luis Alfonso Condo Plaza

International journal of current research and academic review(2018)

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The integral homologation of public transportation of interprovincial buses in Ecuador was born as a response to the need to increase the safety and quality of service to users, currently only homologates the product as such, ie the BUS, without considering other aspects Important that are part of the public transportation system, such as: Administrative Management, Qualification of Drivers, Vehicle Fleet Maintenance Program and Quality of Service to the User. Technical regulations applied to interprovincial transport companies, based on the current resolution 081-DIR-2015-ANT, were drafted. Generating coordinated work between users and control agencies, such as: Ministry of Transport, National Transit Agency (ANT), Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GAD), National Commission for Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety, the Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization INEN, among others. A diagnosis of the current situation was made on the basis of a sample of the number of interprovincial public transport companies and assessing the needs through indicators. A technical regulation model was elaborated, which allowed to improve from 51% to 67%. Efficiency of the Administrative Management, Driver Rating from 38% to 47%, Vehicle Maintenance compliance increased from 15% to 79%, and User Service Quality from 38% to 50%. In general, the technical regulations increased from 10.39% to 41.36%, in relation to the four (4) criteria evaluated
public transport,integral homologation,technical methodology
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