Professional Stressors and Coping Strategies among Nurses

Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing(2018)

引用 23|浏览1
Stress affects the work life balance and quality, which is also inclusive of happiness, interpersonal relations and family related life. Additionally, it argued that stress may also result in unnecessary work absenteeism, high level of turnover, early retirement from the job, low efficiency and effectiveness, and also the low quality of products and services (European Foundation for the Improve­ment of Living and Working Conditions, 2014; (Jacobs et al., 2018). In health sector nurses are facing the high level of stress, highly disturbed work life balance etc. Previous studies suggest that nurses which do experience high level of work-related stress, such kind of higher degree stress can endanger their health and lives of the patients, (Phillips, Hall, Elmitt, Bookallil, u0026 Douglas, 2017). A Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was used in this study. Findings of this study showed that respondent’s experienced high level stress from the stressors at work, with the highest level of stress obtained from work organizational issues was the greatest stressor for the respondents. Work related stress is linked to the unease, nervousness, depression, and restlessness. The present study also showed that ‘‘relational issues’’ caused low level stress for the nurses. The study concludes that organizational issues are more important cause of work related stress. The convenient sampling method was use to select the respondents. Sample size of this study was 175 Nurses. Keywords: Stressors; stress; coping strategies.
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