FACT activity and histone H3-K56 acetylation promote optimal establishment of chromatin architecture independent of ongoing transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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FACT is a histone chaperone that can destabilize or assemble nucleosomes. Acetylation of histone H3-K56 weakens a histone:DNA contact that is central to FACT activity, suggesting that this modification could affect FACT functions. We tested this by asking how mutations of H3-K56 and FACT affect nucleosome structure, chromatin integrity, and transcription output. Mimics of unacetylated or permanently acetylated H3-K56 had different effects on FACT in vitro and in vivo as expected, but H3-K56 and FACT mutations caused surprisingly similar changes in transcription of individual genes. Notably, neither the changes in transcript levels nor the effects on nucleosome occupancy resulting from mutations conformed to the model that FACT is needed to overcome nucleosomal barriers during transcription initiation or elongation. Instead, the results suggest that both FACT and H3-K56ac are involved in establishing chromatin architecture prior to transcription and restoring it afterwards. They contribute to a process that optimizes transcription frequency, especially at conditionally expressed genes, and restores chromatin integrity after transcription, especially at the +1 nucleosome to block antisense transcription, but FACT appears to be less involved than expected in directly promoting transcription.
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