Surgical Inking and Double Embedding Technique for Routine Histopathology to Save Time and Effort

Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine(2018)

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Background: Routine histopathological specimens like appendix and fallopian tube require individual processing, block making and slide preparation. This process is not only time consuming and requires more effort but also takes up more space during archiving. The objective of the present study was to use commercially available different acrylic colors to ink specimen of appendix and fallopian tube of different patients, process them in a single cassette and preparation of single paraffin block and slide. Methods: 100 cases of appendix and fallopian tubes were taken to evaluate ink mapping technique using Fevicryl® Acrylic colours. Blocks and slides were prepared, labelling on the slides was done using the chromacodes method for identification of the specimen. These slides were then reported by the pathologist. Result: There was a 21% reduction in the amount of paraffin required for preparation of a double embedded block in comparison to two paraffin blocks by conventional method. It was also noted that there was 18% reduction in volume as compared to two conventional paraffin blocks. Conclusion: This method of using surgical inking technique not only brings down the effort and time required, but also storage space and the costs involved along with faster identification and reporting compared to the conventional method.
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Whole Slide Imaging,Histopathology Images
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