Molt Patterns And Sexing And Aging Criteria For Ten Species Of High Elevation Landbirds From Southeastern Peru


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Knowledge of molt patterns and their resulting plumages is useful for aging and sexing birds and, in monochromatic species, morphometric measurements can help to discern males from females. However, these data are largely undescribed for the majority of the world's bird species, especially in the tropics. We sought to classify the molt strategy for 10 species of Neotropical passerines during their breeding seasons and considered whether a combination of wing chord, tail length and mass could be used to determine their sex. We used banding data from three years of mark-recapture study at Wayqecha Biological Station (2900 m a.s.l.) along the east slope of the Andes in southeastern Peru to characterize molt and estimate morphological measurements. Each of the species exhibited a complete definitive prebasic molt and either a partial (nine species) or partial-incomplete (one species) preformative molt, which we interpreted to be consistent with a complex basic molt strategy. For five of the 10 species, we found that wing, tail, and body mass measurements were useful in distinguishing between males and females. This study contributes to our understanding of tropical bird molt by providing previously undescribed aging and sexing criteria for some tropical landbirds common to high elevations of southern Peru.
Andean cloud forest,Definitive basic plumage,Formative plumage,Manu National Park,Molt cycle,Parulidae,Passerellidae,Preformative molt,Thraupidae,Troglodytidae,Tyrannidae
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