Gut Microbial succession during conventionalization of germfree chicken


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A gnotobiotic chicken model was developed to study the succession of intestinal microflora from hatching to 18 days of age. Intestinal samples were collected from a local population of feral chickens and administered orally to germ-free 3 day old chicks. Animals were enthanized on 0, 9 and 18 days of age and intestinal samples were collected and subjected to genomic analysis. The five most prevalent phyla were Bacteroidetes (45.73%), Firmicutes (36.47%), Proteobacteria (8.28%), Actinobacteria (5.09%), and Spriochetes (2.10%). Principle coordinate analysis indicated the 0, 9 day and 18 day variables clustered together and the microbial communities changed temporally. The Morista-Horn index values ranged from 0.72 to 1, indicating the communities at 0, 9 or 18 days were more similar than dissimilar. The predicted functional profiles of the microbiomes of 0, 9 and 18 days were also similar. These results indicate the gnotobiotic chicks stably maintain the phylogentic diversity and predicted metabolic functionality of the inoculum community. Importance: The domestic chicken is the cornerstone of animal agriculture worldwide with a flock population exceeding 40 billion birds/year. It serves as the economically valuable source of protein globally. Microbiome of poultry has important effects on chicken growth, feed conversion, immune status and pathogen resistance. The significance of our research is in developing a gnotobiotic chicken model to study chicken gut microbiota function. Our experimental model shows that young germfree chicks are able to colonize diverse set of gut bacteria. Therefore, besides using this model to study mechanisms of gut microbiota interactions in the chicken gut, our model could be also used for applied aspects such as determining the safety and efficacy of new probiotic strains derived from chicken gut microbiota.
Microbiota,Succession,Salmonella,Germfree,Gnotobiotic,Feral Chicken,competitive exclusion,metagenome
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