Mango: Distributed Visualization for Genomic Analysis


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The decreasing cost of DNA sequencing over the past decade has led to an explosion of available sequencing datasets, leaving us with terabytes to petabytes of data to explore and analyze. It is critical for analysts in research and clinical settings to be able to develop new data-driven hypotheses from these datasets through bias identification, analysis of data quality, and testing different algorithms and parameter settings. However, current interactive tools for sequence analysis are designed to run on single machines that do not scale to the size of modern genomic datasets, and rely on precomputed static views, rather than allowing direct interaction with the primary dataset. Mango is a genomic sequence visualization and analysis platform that removes these constraints regarding scalability and staticity by leveraging the power of multi-node compute clusters in the cloud to allow interactive analysis over terabytes of sequencing data. Mango provides both a genome browser graphical user interface and programmable notebook form factor to allow users of varying analytical experience to explore large sequencing datasets on both private clusters and in the cloud. These tools provide a flexible environment for interactive exploration of genomic datasets, while surpassing the computational limits of single-node genomic visualization tools.
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