Effects Of Genotype And Nitrogen Availability On Grain Yield And Quality In Sunflower


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Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) conventional (CONV) and high oleic (HO) genotypes differ in yield and quality. Nitrogen affects grain yield, quality, and by-products protein concentration. The objective was to evaluate the effect of genotype and N on grain yield, oil (O-G) and protein (P-G) concentration in grain and in by-products ( P-M). The effect of genotype was evaluated in Exp. 1 with 7 CONV and 7 HO hybrids, at two planting dates (PD early and late). The effect of N (Exp. 2) was evaluated in 10 locations (3 with CONV and 7 with HO), under six N rates (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 kg N ha(-1)). We determined yield, O-G, P-G and P-M. For the early PD of E-1, yield was higher in HO than CONV genotypes (3822 kg ha(-1) vs. 3495 kg ha(-1)). In Exp. 2, N increased yield in 50% of the locations (HO: 586; CONV: 597 kg ha(-1)). In Exp. 1, genotype did not affect O-G, but P-G was higher in HO than in CONV ones (18.0 vs. 16.8%, respectively). In Exp. 2, N did not affect O-G, but increased P-G in both types of genotypes. Consequently, P-G/O-G ratio increased with N rates. The higher P-G, was also reflected in higher P-M (44.0% HO and 38.8% CONV, respectively). Increases of 2.5% points in P-G resulted in increases of 5.6 in P-M. Therefore, the application of N would allow obtaining high yields and P-G without detrimental effects on O-G, improving the quality of grains and by-products.
grain yield,nitrogen availability,genotype
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