
Origin of high fluoride in groundwater of the Tuticorin district, Tamil Nadu, India

C. Singaraja,S. Chidambaram,Noble Jacob, G. Johnson Babu,S. Selvam,P. Anandhan, E. Rajeevkumar, K. Balamurugan, K. Tamizharasan

Applied Water Science(2018)

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This paper reports the results of higher F − and HCO_3^ - concentrations and its response to high pH level in a hard rock terrain in Tamil Nadu, India. About 400 groundwater samples from the study area were collected from a period of four different seasons and analysed for F − , HCO_3^ - and other major cations and anions. The key rationale for the higher fluoride and bicarbonate in the study area is the soaring rate of the leaching fluoride-bearing minerals and weathering processes. Fluoride and HCO_3^ - ranges from BDL to 3.30 mgl −1 and 12 to 940 mgl −1 , its concentrations are lower for the period of SWM and it increases during POM and reaches to a maximum in PRM. Higher dissolution is observed in the NEM season due to rainfall impact. Spatial distribution and factor score show that the higher concentrations of F − and HCO_3^ - are eminent in the northern and central zone of the study area due to the impact of lithology. The higher values in pCO 2 versus HCO_3^ - plot indicate higher residence time which favours more water–rock interactions, which further increase the F − concentrations in groundwater. HCO_3^ - is linearly correlated with F − which indicates that these ions were consequent from the weathering influences. At the same time, poor correlation of F − with pH could possibly be due to the increase of alkalinity follow-on from the swell of bicarbonate level with very low Ca 2+ that promotes increase in F − concentration in the groundwater.
Fluoride, Bicarbonate, Water–rock interactions, Weathering processes, Lithology, India
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