DDoS attacks analysis in bigdata (hadoop) environment

2018 15th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST)(2018)

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Everything now a days become electronic and connected to internet to transmit and store data. That is why, rate of data flow over the internet has been increased. The volume, variety and velocity of data flow has introduced the new term called BigData. There is no concrete definition of Bigdata, mostly it defines by its 3-Vs properties (Velocity, Volume and Variety). Later on 2 V's are added by IBM and Oracle in BigData's definition. Traditional tools and techniques are not sufficient to handle BigData operations like BigData management, sorting, storing etc. For this purpose distributed file system has been introduced, Hadoop (HDFS, Mapreduce) is mostly used for BigData's operations. Most companies adopted and shifted their business to BigData (Hadoop), but still some companies like Govt. organizations and other security firms are hesitating to shift on it due to its security lags. This research work is about availability threats like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, i.e. Hadoop services become unavailable due to system failure/crash and disrupt the resources. DDoS attacks are very challenging issues and gaining interest of many researcher. One of the solutions of DDoS is redundancy. This research is about the analysis of DDoS attacks on Hadoop different models and approaches to check Hadoop behaviour during DDoS attack and impact of DDoS in Hadoop different models.
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DDoS attacks analysis,data flow,Hadoop services,Hadoop behaviour,distributed file system,service attacks,BigData operation management
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