Careproctus iacchus, a new variegated snailfish (Liparidae) from the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk

Ichthyological Research(2018)

引用 8|浏览4
A new species of snailfishes, Careproctus iacchus , is described on the basis of three specimens collected from the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk. Among the species of Careproctus , the new species is most similar to Careproctus comus and Careproctus faunus , both known from the Aleutian Islands, in having a variegated body coloration. However, it can be distinguished in having 44–46 dorsal- and 39–40 anal-fin rays (vs. 50–56 and 44–50 in C. comus and 47–51 and 41–45 in C. faunus , respectively), a pectoral fin without a notch (vs. both with a shallow notch), no interradial fenestra between proximal radials two and three in the pectoral girdle (vs. both having a fenestra between proximal radials two and three), a gill slit entirely above the pectoral fin (extending to just above the pectoral fin or to 1–5th ray), a body with many white spots (vs. mottled with red and white), and a large white blotch on cheek (vs. no distinct markings on cheek) when fresh.
Careproctus comus,Careproctus faunus,New species,COI,Western North Pacific
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