Numerical Study of Nonlinear Structures of Locally Excited Marangoni Convection in the Long-Wave Approximation

Microgravity Science and Technology(2018)

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We investigate stationary and non-stationary solutions of nonlinear equations of the long-wave approximation for the Marangoni convection caused by a localized source of heat or a surface active impurity (surfactant) in a thin horizontal layer of a viscous incompressible fluid with a free surface. The distribution of heat or concentration flux is determined by the uniform vertical gradient of temperature or impurity concentration, distorted by the imposition of a slightly inhomogeneous heating or of surfactant, localized in the horizontal plane. The lower boundary of the layer is considered thermally insulated or impermeable, whereas the upper boundary is free and deformable. The equations obtained in the long-wave approximation are formulated in terms of the amplitudes of the temperature distribution or impurity concentration, deformation of the surface, and vorticity. For a simplification of the problem, a sequence of nonlinear equations is obtained, which in the simplest form leads to a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a localized potential. The basic state of the system, its dependence on the parameters and stability are investigated. For stationary solutions localized in the region of the surface tension inhomogeneity, domains of parameters corresponding to different spatial patterns are delineated.
Marangoni convection, Long-wave approximation, Amplitude equations, Nonlinear localized structures
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