Atitudes alimentares de praticantes de treinamento resistido

Revista Brasileira de Nutrição Esportiva(2018)

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Objetivo: analisar as atitudes alimentares de praticantes de treinamento resistido e compara-las entre os sexos, faixa etaria, imagem corporal e status do peso dos participantes. Materiais e metodo: participaram 48 mulheres e 45 homens, com media de idade de 29,04 (8,82) anos, praticantes de treinamento resistido em academias de Florianopolis-SC e Sao Jose-SC. Coletaram-se informacoes sobre sexo, idade, medidas de massa corporal e estatura para calculo do indice de massa corporal e classificacao do status do peso, imagem corporal (escala de silhuetas) e atitudes alimentares por meio da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas (EAAT), utilizando-se o escore total e das subescalas. Resultados: a pontuacao media das atitudes alimentares foi de 70,02 (15,18) pontos. Nas comparacoes das atitudes alimentares e subescalas entre as variaveis independentes, observou-se que as mulheres apresentaram pontuacoes superiores aos homens na escala total (p= 0,002) e nas subescalas de preocupacao com alimento e ganho de peso (p= 0,004) e conceito de alimentacao normal (pu003c 0,001). Individuos insatisfeitos pelo excesso apresentaram pontuacoes superiores aos satisfeitos e insatisfeitos pela magreza na escala total (pu003c 0,001), subescala de relacao com o alimento (pu003c 0,001), e maior preocupacao com o alimento e ganho de peso (p= 0,042) comparados aos insatisfeitos pela magreza. Os insatisfeitos (tanto pela magreza quanto pelo excesso) apresentaram mais praticas restritivas e compensatorias (p= 0,007) e pior conceito de alimentacao normal (p= 0,009) em relacao aos satisfeitos. Conclusao: Os participantes apresentaram atitudes alimentares pouco transtornadas. Mulheres e insatisfeitos, de modo geral, tiveram piores atitudes alimentares. ABSTRACT Eating attitudes of practitioners of resistance training Aim: to analyze eating attitudes of resistance training practitioners and compare it between participant gender, age group, body image and weight status. Materials and Method: participants were 48 female and 45 male, with mean age of 29.04 (8.82) years old, who were resistance training practitioners in gyms of Florianopolis-SC and Sao Jose. Information about gender, age, body mass and height to calculate body mass index and classify the weight status, body image (figure rating scale) were collected. In addition, eating attitudes were collect using the Disordered Eating Attitudes Scale (DEAS), and both total score and subscales scores were used. Results: eating attitudes mean score was 70.02 (15.18) points. When compared the eating attitudes and subscales scores between independente variables, women had higher scores compared to men in the total scale (p= 0.002) and in concerns about food and weight gain (p= 0.004) and idea of normal eating (pu003c 0.001) subscales. Those who were dissatisfied by overweight had higher scores compared to those satisfied and dissatisfied by thinness in the total scale (pu003c 0.001), and in relationship with food subscale (pu003c 0.001), while they had higher scores in the concerns about food and weight gain subscale only when compared to those dissatisfied by thinness (p= 0.042). Those dissatisfied (both by overweight and by thinness) also had more restrictive and compensatory practices (p= 0.007) and worse idea of normal eating (p= 0.009) compared to those satisfied. Conclusion: participants of this study had low disordered eating attitudes. Women and dissatisfied ones, generally, had worse eating attitudes.
comportamento alimentar,musculação,imagem corporal
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