Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infetion in patients with alcohol- induced pancreatitis


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication in patients with alcohol-induced pancreatitis and compared with nonalcoholic patients. Methods: The patients with acute pancreatitis were divided into two groups. Group A: 35 patients (26 male/9 female), mean age 44 years, with alcohol-induced pancreatitis, and group B: 35 patients (20 male/15 female), mean age 41 years, with nonalcohol- induced pancreatitis. All patients had upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. H. pylori infection was confirmed by gastric hystology.The patient from group A drank four to eight glasses of wine or 6–8.5 L of beer per week. A triple therapy with amoxycillin (1 g two times a day), medazol (400 mg two times a day), pantoprazol (40 mg two times a day ) as first cycle, or amoxycillin(1 g two times a day), claritromycin (500 mg two times a day), and lansoprazole (30 mg two times a day) as second cycle, was given to both groups for 10 days. The cure was defined as the absence of H. pylori infection 6 weeks after therapy. Results: A higher H. pylori infection was found in group B, in nonalcoholic patients 68% versus 42% in alcoholic patients (p > .001). In: alcoholic patients in group A eradication of H. pylori infection was 82% versus 60% in nonalcoholic patients (p > .001). Higher wine and beer consumption were associated with an additional reduction in the risk of infection. The rate of infection decreased with time of duration of alcohol abuse. Conclusion: H. pylori infection was lower in group of alcoholic patients than in control group. The eradication rate was significantly higher in patients with alcohol abuse than in control group. This study suggests that moderate alcohol consumption may facilitate spontaneous elimination of H. pylori infection among adults.
helicobacter pylori infetion
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