Coenurosis bovina en Uruguay


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espanolCoenurosis es la enfermedad causada por Coenurus cerebralis, forma larvaria de Taenia multiceps. Afecta a rumiantes, equinos, suinos y humanos provocando sintomatologia nerviosa. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir un foco de coenurosis en bovinos en Uruguay, diagnosticado mediante estudios anatomopatologicos y tecnicas moleculares (PCR/secuenciacion). Se realizo la necropsia de dos vaquillonas Hereford (Caso A y B) de 2-3 anos que presentaban desmejoramiento progresivo, ataxia, torneo y desviacion de la cabeza. Macroscopicamente, se observo la presencia de una vesicula quistica en el hemisferio cerebral izquierdo del caso A, la cual se rompio espontaneamente al extraer el encefalo del craneo. En el caso B, se extrajo del hemisferio cerebral derecho una vesicula completa, de color transparente con escolices blanquecinos en su interior. Al examen histopatologico del sistema nervioso central se observo reaccion inflamatoria en el tejido adyacente a la ubicacion de los quistes constituida por macrofagos, eosinofilos, linfocitos y celulas gigantes. La vesicula del caso B fue diseccionada y se utilizo un trozo para la extraccion de ADN. Mediante PCR se amplifico un fragmento del gen nad1. La secuencia obtenida fue comparada con las secuencias registradas en el GenBank utilizando la herramienta BLAST. El resultado revelo una homologia de 99% con T. multiceps. Por lo tanto, este trabajo confirma que la coenurosis bovina se encuentra presente Uruguay EnglishCoenurosis is a disease caused by Coenurus cerebralis, the larval stage of Taenia multiceps. Ruminants, equids, swine and even humans can be affected developing neurological symptoms. This work reports C. cerebralis infection diagnosed by macroscopic and histologic lesions and molecular tools (PCR/ sequencing) in two heifers in Uruguay. Two 2-3 years old Hereford heifers were necropsied (case A and B). Both animals presented progressive deterioration, ataxia, circling and head deviation. Grossly, in case A, a cystic vesicle protruding from the left hemisphere was observed. The vesicle was broken spontaneously while the encephalon was retrieved from the cranial cavity. On case B, the whole cystic vesicle was retrieved from the right hemisphere. Through the translucent wall´s vesicle was possible to visualize whitish scolices attached to the inner layer. Histopathology of the central nervous system revealed an inflammatory reaction on the cyst adjacent tissue, characterized by the presence of macrophages, eosinophils, lymphocytes and giant cells. The vesicle of case B was dissected and a small piece was used for DNA extraction. By PCR, a fragment of nad1 gene was amplified and sent for direct sequencing. The obtained sequence was compared with the available sequences registered on GenBank using the BLAST tool. The result revealed a 99% homology with sequences registered as T. multiceps. Therefore, this work confirmed that bovine coenurosis is present in Uruguay.
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