Heterogeneous Transfer Learning: An Unsupervised Approach

arXiv: Learning(2017)

引用 24|浏览21
Transfer learning leverages the knowledge in one domain, the source domain, to improve learning efficiency in another domain, the target domain. Existing transfer learning research is relatively well-progressed, but only in situations where the feature spaces of the domains are homogeneous and the target domain contains at least a few labeled instances. However, transfer learning has not been well-studied in heterogeneous settings with an unlabeled target domain. To contribute to the research in this emerging field, this paper presents: (1) an unsupervised knowledge transfer theorem that prevents negative transfer; and (2) a principal angle-based metric to measure the distance between two pairs of domains. The metric shows the extent to which homogeneous representations have preserved the information in original source and target domains. The unsupervised knowledge transfer theorem sets out the transfer conditions necessary to prevent negative transfer. Linear monotonic maps meet the transfer conditions of the theorem and, hence, are used to construct homogeneous representations of the heterogeneous domains, which in principle prevents negative transfer. The metric and the theorem have been implemented in an innovative transfer model, called a Grassmann-LMM-geodesic flow kernel (GLG), that is specifically designed for knowledge transfer across heterogeneous domains. The GLG model learns homogeneous representations of heterogeneous domains by minimizing the proposed metric. Knowledge is transferred through these learned representations via a geodesic flow kernel. Notably, the theorem presented in this paper provides the sufficient transfer conditions needed to guarantee that knowledge is transferred from a source domain to an unlabeled target domain with correctness.
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