Demetriades Alecos,Birke Manfred,Reimann Clemens, Mann Alan, Maria Kaminari M. Andersson, A. Arnoldussen, R. Baritz, M.J. Batista,A. Bel lan,Domenico Cicchella,B. De Vivo,Enrico Dinelli,W. De Vos, M. Duris,A. Dusza Dobek,O.A. Eggen,M. Eklund, V. Ernstsen,Peter Filzmoser, T.E. Finne, D.M.A. Flight,Sean T. Forrester,M. Fuchs, U. Fügedi, A. Gilucis,Mateja Gosar, V. Gregorauskiene, A. Gulan,Josip Halamić, E. Haslinger, P. Hayoz, G. Hobiger,R. Hoffmann,Jurian Hoogewerff, H. Hrvatovic,S. Husnjak, L. Janik, C.C. Johnson,Gyozo Jordan,Jason K. Kirby, J. Kivisilla, V. Klos, F. Krone, P. Kwecko, L. Kuti,Anna Ladenberger,Annamaria Lima, J. Locutura, P. Lucivjansky, D. Mackovych, B.I. Malyuk, R. Maquil,Mike J. McLaughlin, R.G. Meuli, N. Miosic, G. Mol,Philippe Négrel,P. O'Connor,Koen Oorts, R.T. Ottesen,A. Pasieczna, V. Petersell,S. Pfleiderer, M. Ponavic, C. Prazeres,Uwe Rauch, I. Salpeteur,A. Schedl,Andreas Scheib,Ilse Schoeters, P. Sefcik, E. Sellersjö, F. Skopljak, I. Slaninka,A. Šorša, R. Srvkota, T. Stafilov, V. Trendavilov,Paolo Valera, V. Verougstraete, D. Vidojević,A.M. Zissimos, Z. Zomeni

The EGU General Assembly(2014)

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thallium,geochemical distribution,soil,gemas
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