Differences in attitudes and knowledge of doctors and nurses towards oxygen prescribing in a district general hospital


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Background: Oxygen is widely used throughout hospitals and requires a valid prescription including a target saturation range. Aim: To assess differences in knowledge, attitudes and prescribing practices of oxygen therapy by doctors and nurses at a district general hospital in UK. Results: 63 questionnaires were returned (30 doctors and 33 nurses); 53% doctors and 70% nurses felt O2 should be ‘always’ prescribed, 50% doctors and 76% nurses ‘always’ felt comfortable prescribing and administering O2 therapy respectively. Reporting practices, 23% doctors ‘always’ prescribed on drug chart, 37% most of the time, 27% sometime and 13% never. Only 15% nurses signed the drug chart when administering O2, 18% most of the times, 36% sometimes and 30% never. Most doctors (97%) and nurses (94%) were aware of target O2 saturation (88-92%) for COPD patients with Type II Respiratory Failure. Majority (83%) of doctors but only 33% nurses were aware of the consequences for patients if target O2 saturation was above the prescribed limit. Overall practice of O2 prescribing was assessed as satisfactory by 63% doctors and 51% nurses. Teaching sessions, posters in clinical area, improved prescribing and better communication between doctors and nurses were suggested to improve outcomes. Conclusions: Our findings confirm deficiencies in O2 prescribing on hospital wards and provide an insight on the knowledge and attitudes of doctors and nurses.
oxygen prescribing,nurses,hospital,attitudes,doctors
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