Successful International Collaboration Improves Family Donation Conversations Resulting in Increased Organ Donation.: Abstract# B3014


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Purpose Increase donation rates by developing and implementing a customized, self-sustaining national training program designed to enhance family donation conversation (FDC) practices of health professionals (HP) and to influence HPs to adopt practice as FDC cultural norm. Methods A country's donation leaders concluded that to increase organ donation outcomes, health professionals conducting FDCs required support and specialized training. An international training institute with programs based on proven results was engaged to create and implement a customized training program to influence change in FDC practice and culture. To gain support and determine program suitability, two 1-day pilot trainings were provided to 45 donation leaders in 2011. Training was further customized with emphasis on creating changes to achieve and sustain desired results. A comprehensive national training plan was implemented over 18 months. Twenty-six 2-day FDC training workshops were held in eight cities (646 participants). Program evaluations and debriefings showed distinct shifts in perspectives and enthusiasm to implement new processes. In 2012-2013, an instructor program was developed to transition training facilitation. The training institute remains involved in development and training to build and sustain skill and expertise. Results A 22% increase in organ donors achieved in the two years since the FDC training has been delivered (2011-2013). Conclusion The integration of another organization's process poses distinct challenges. Thoughtful collaboration, sensitive to cultural aspects and family care, communication, and donation practices, can result in successful customized training that shifts perspectives, provides new skills and achieves and sustains an increase in organ donation rates. Donation leaders involved in development and delivery of the training feel confident that customized and improved national skills training has contributed to increasing organ donation outcomes.
family donation conversations,increased organ donation,collaboration
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