Tidal Conversion and Mixing Poleward of the Critical Latitude (an Arctic Case Study)


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The tides are a major source of the kinetic energy supporting turbulent mixing in the global oceans. The prime mechanism for the transfer of tidal energy to turbulent mixing results from the interaction between topography and stratified tidal flow, leading to the generation of freely propagating internal waves at the period of the forcing tide. However, poleward of the critical latitude (where the period of the principal tidal constituent exceeds the local inertial period), the action of the Coriolis force precludes the development of freely propagating linear internal tides. Here we focus on a region of sloping topography, poleward of the critical latitude, where there is significant conversion of tidal energy and the flow is supercritical (Froude number, Fr > 1). A high-resolution nonlinear modeling study demonstrates the key role of tidally generated lee waves and supercritical flow in the transfer of energy from the barotropic tide to internal waves in these high-latitude regions. Time series of flow and water column structure from the region of interest show internal waves with characteristics consistent with those predicted by the model, and concurrent microstructure dissipation measurements show significant levels of mixing associated with these internal waves. The results suggest that tidally generated lee waves are a key mechanism for the transfer of energy from the tide to turbulence poleward of the critical latitude. Plain Language Summary The decline in aerial extent of sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean in the recent years is perhaps one of the leading indications of climate change. Warm water enters the Arctic Ocean at depths of 100-200m; however, it is isolated from melting the ice by the lack of mixing in the Arctic Ocean. This lack of mixing has been attributed to the ocean being isolated from the wind by ice, and the fact that much of the Arctic Ocean is north of the critical latitude, beyond which the type of internal tide that is believed to drive mixing across other major oceans on the planet cannot occur. However, new evidence has been found that suggests that the tide might be important in driving mixing in certain areas of the Arctic Ocean. Here we combine state-of-the-art numerical modeling with new turbulence measurements to identify the mechanism by which the tide can drive mixing at these high latitudes.
turbulence,mixing,tide,Arctic Ocean
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